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1029 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
SIG@UFRPE Mod 2007_2 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-21 10:05
Projetos Xiscanoe CESAR v04.edu [1%] by jones, 2007-12-18 03:45
logo cesarEdu [1%] by jones, 2007-12-18 03:16
Scientific American [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 10:06
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 10:03
International Journal of Epidemiology [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 10:01
Epidemiology and Infection [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 10:01
Cadernos de Saúde Pública (FIOCRUZ) [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:56
Annals of Epidemiology [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:53
American Journal of Public Health [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:51
American Journal of Epidemiology [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:45
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:42
A Cellular Automata Model of the Spread of HIV... [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:20
A Cellular Automata Model of the Spread of HIV... [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:20
CA Modelling of Scrapie Transmission between Flocks Using a Cartogram [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:19
CA Modelling of Scrapie Transmission between Flocks Using a Cartogram [1%] by jones, 2007-12-17 09:19
presença e notas 2007_2 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-13 08:08
JC - Dec, 9th 2007 - Health Actions in Recife. (Portuguese) [1%] by jones, 2008-04-03 08:56
No combate à esquistossomose, os pesquisadores descobriram novos focos no litoral, como o recente da Praia de Carne de Vaca, em Goiana, na Zona da Mata Norte
News [1%] by jones, 2007-12-10 06:31
logo snct 2007 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:45
Logo wmmc 2007 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:38
I WMMC 2007 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:37
logo iwdds 2007 [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:35
Logo 6o sugarloafplop [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:32
xxx cnmac [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:29
Events [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:26
Invited Speakers [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:24
Abstracts [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:22
Conferences [1%] by jones, 2007-12-07 10:22
Undergraduate Courses for 2008_1 (in Portuguese) [1%] by jones, 2008-04-03 08:57
Disciplinas Xiscanoé para 2008_1 na UFRPE!