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A Conversation With James McKerrow
"[...] Globally, there are probably 250 million with schistosomiasis and 500 million with malariA. At my lab, we are working on the five neglected diseases of mankind - malaria; schistosomiasis; leishmaniasis, a k a the Baghdad boil; African sleeping sickness; and Chagas' disease. [...]"
JC - Dec, 9th 2007 - Health Actions in Recife. (Portuguese)
No combate à esquistossomose, os pesquisadores descobriram novos focos no litoral, como o recente da Praia de Carne de Vaca, em Goiana, na Zona da Mata Norte
Undergraduate Courses for 2008_1 (in Portuguese)
Disciplinas Xiscanoé para 2008_1 na UFRPE!