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Using Stochastic Cellular Automata in Modeling Spread of Diseases by Jones Albuquerque — last modified 2006-11-25 06:38
Esquistossomose em PE by Jones Albuquerque — last modified 2006-11-25 06:40
Modelos Computacionais para Simulação do Processo de Expansão da Esquistossomose na Área Litorânea de Pernambuco. by Jones Albuquerque — last modified 2006-11-25 06:41
mikler - Towards Computational Epidemiology by Jones Albuquerque — last modified 2007-08-20 07:30
Towards Computational Epidemiology - Designing an Infectious Disease Outbreak Simulator. Armin R. Mikler. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Department of Biological Sciences. University of North Texas.