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by Tiago Alessandro Espinola Ferreira last modified 2009-08-16 13:14

Classe Time em python

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File contents

class Time:
   """ Class Time """
   def __init__(self, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0):
      """ Construtor da classe Time"""
      self.__hour = hour
      self.__minute = minute
      self.__second = second

   def setTime(self, hour, minute, second):
      """ Set values of Hour, Minute and Second """

   def setHour(self,hour):
      """Set Hour value"""
      if 0<= hour < 24:
         self.__hour = hour
         raise ValueError, "Invalid Hour Value: %d" % hour

   def setMinute(self,minute):
      """Set Minute value"""
      if 0<= minute < 60:
         self.__minute = minute
         raise ValueError, "Invalid Minute Value: %d" % Minute

   def setSecond(self,second):
      """Set Second value"""
      if 0<= second < 60:
         self.__second = second
         raise ValueError, "Invalid Second Value: %d" % Second

   def getHour(self):
      """Get Hour Value"""
      return self.__hour

   def getMinute(self):
      """Get Minute Value"""
      return self.__minute

   def getSecond(self):
      """Get Second Value"""
      return self.__second

   def printMilitary(self):
      """Prints Time Object in Military Format"""
      print "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d" % \
            (self.__hour, self.__minute, self.__second),

   def printStandardTime(self):
      """Prints Tiem object in standard format """
      standardTime = " "

      if self.__hour == 0 or self.__hour == 12:
         standardTime += "12:"
         standardTime += "%d:" % (self.__hour %12)

      standardTime += "%.2d:%.2d" % (self.__minute, self.__second)
      if self.__hour < 12:
         standardTime += " AM"
         standardTime += " PM"

      print standardTime,


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